Friday, March 11, 2016

Boom Beach Mar 2016 Sneak Peek!

It's time for Sneak Peek!
Welcome to upcoming Mar 2016 update!

Headquarter 22....for player level 56 and above!

Sneak Peek
  • Upgrade to HQ 22 will be available from level 56, which mean HQ 21 requirement will be lower.
  • HQ 22 will unlock extra Sniper Tower and extra Boom Mine.
  • All Defense buildings, including Shock Launcher and Rocket Launcher will have additional upgrade available with new skin.
  • Armory and Troop upgrade will be available too.
Sneak Peek

Introducing Statue Storage!!

Sneak Peek
  • Store statues for a strategic advantage. 
  • The Statue Storage Building will unlock at HQ 13.
  • Be careful! Once a statue has been placed, it cannot be stored.

Player Ranks - It's time to fight for Victory Points!

Sneak Peek
  • Earning Victory Points raises your Rank (and also your rewards)

Supply Chest - five Victory Points per day is all you need!

Sneak Peek
  • Earn five Victory Points to unlock a daily Supply Chest.
  • The higher your Rank, the bigger the rewards...

Stay tuned!
Updates coming!

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  1. This is one of my all time favorite mobile game. I was actually introduced to this game by a friend and it was a lot of fun. Have been addicted to it since then


  2. what do you think? Do you agree gclub? Thanks again to share articles like these, I have come across. So this is going to be an unusual one here, but I haven't been able to find any information despite searching the web for weeks now.
    There is something I doubt about this topic. I'm curious to read your responses. Thank You very much!!
